Friday 16 September 2011

Long time, no blog!

So, the 10th of August was quite a while ago, so I thought my blog has been neglected enough and at least deserves a mini update of what's happening!

So.. the most exciting news at the minute, I am now blogging using my very own MacBook Pro. I've finally been converted and all the saving up as really paid off, money well spent!

I start my Second Year at Uclan officially on tuesday, I'm rather excited to get back into the swing of things, there's only so much time I can have off then safe to say, I do miss my projects. 

Final news.. Currently working on a side project. A lovely lady in Huddersfield has been told about myself, and my work by a friend and she's requested I paint some sketches for her, to be displayed in her Spa. At the moment, I have two sketches drawn out, I need to introduce some watercolour and get the process rolling! And when I've finished, I'll make sure my blog is updated! 

Cup of tea at the ready..
Here's to a productive day!