Friday 1 July 2011

Ultimate Illustration!

Ultimate Illustration! takes a comprehensive look at more than 300 illustrations by today's most celebrated illustrators from around the world. Each artist goes beyond the traditional and sparks imagination by experimenting with different design ideas, styles, and techniques. Interviews—in which they discuss their artistic backgrounds, techniques, and professional ambitions—are also included. This book is a must-have resource for artists, creative professionals, art students, and all those who take pleasure in illustration.

The editor; Eva Minguet Camara is pop-culture and style expert, and a writer and editor for Monsa Publications.

I bought this a while ago, 244 pages of a variety of illustrators has to spark some inspiration right? Flicking through, I couldn't help but concentrate on the similarities between particular illustrators. Maybe it's due to the fact that their not my personal style or my comfort zone but I found them rather sinister either in the topic of the sketch or how they are composed. To name a few; Steve Lawson, Jason Maloney, Ana Juan, Osvaldo Gonzalez, Scott Radke, Blue And Joy, Jason D'Aquino. Don't get me wrong, I believe each illustrator has their own style to which they do really well however I don't think my own work could ever really relate.  However their are a few that I am inspired by. 
Alison Casson.

The reason why I chose Alison Casson (apart from being attracted to the cover of the book itself) was because of her unique blend of mixed materials that she uses to create these rather quirky sketches. I'm inspired by how she creates collage by combining painting and pencil, fabric and sewing techniques and digital imagery. Her methodology results in strong, hand made nostalgic images. 

I feel I can relate to her sketches simply due to the fact that she uses lyrics as inspiration for her imagery, which for me, sometimes lyrics inspire the whole sketch. Therefore, I particularly like this Alison Casson sketch which unfortunately isn't included in Ultimate Illustration!  However it can be found online on her website..

Frank Papandrea.

"My pen and ink illustrations are influenced by Albrecht Durer's engravings, begin with subjects that matter."

I was firstly drawn to Frank's work due to the fact that it stood out within Ultimate Illustration! because of the media that he uses. Compared with every other illustrator in the book, his engravings are rather rare and unique. A similarity between Frank's engravings are the topic, it's inspiring to see an illustrator produce something that makes you think about issues in the world. Ultimate Illustration! also includes a mini interview in which Frank explains the process behind his work, which is also a bonus!

Nanami Cowdroy.

Out of every illustrator within this book, I'm inspired mostly by Nanami Cowdroy. Simplicity is created through the media she uses, however the some-what complicated imagery and detail really adds to the sketch itself which I admire. Even though I've never come across this artist before, I feel I can relate to her work simply due to the fact that black ink, hand-drawn, watercoloured illustrations are my comfort zone. I also feel I can relate due to something she said in her interview;

"To be honest, my artwork isn't directed for any particular sector or industry, it's a personal art style which I guess can lend itself to different creative fields dependig on what they are and what they represent."

There's some more beautiful illustrations on her website..

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