Tuesday 21 June 2011

Inspired by Manchester.

Here are some sketches inspired by the architecture in Manchester. I chose particular images out of this project that I believe work best as a sketch due to composition, media and proportions. This project was inspired by the works of Jim Butler; a printmaker and fine artist; www.jimbutlerartist.com.

This one combines an image of Albert Hall and Oxford Street. Drawn realistically in black fine liner, background consists of manipulated masking tape and coffee stains.

Albert Hall. Drawn realistically in black fine liner. 

Architecture in Manchester. This sketch is pencil drawn on top of individual brown collages. The lamp-post is highlighted using black fine liner. I orginially was planning to draw over all the pencil line with fine liner but I preferred to leave it with a 'sketchy' look.

Mainly of Cafe Roma; a high street restaurant in Manchester. Drawn in simple fine liner detail, using collaged torn brown paper and postage stamps to highlight the main focus of the sketch.  

This particular sketch I used different shades of blue, red and black fine liner which was influenced by Jim Butler; who runs the B.A in Illustration and Animation course at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge.

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