Wednesday 22 June 2011

Look what arrived today!

Amazon surprised me with this, this morning! I wasn't expecting it for another week and a half yet. Even though it won't be as contemporary as Now 3, I'm contemplating ordering Now 1 and 2, it's nice to have the whole package.

Illustration Now! 3 brings groundbreaking work from a fascinating mix of 150 of the world's most exciting illustrators. It features sketches from each illustrator, including information about their career paths and lists of selected exhibitions. This book is perfect inspiration for graphic artists, creative professionals and illustration students, as well as anyone with an appreciation for visual language.

The editor; Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Illustration Now!, Advertising Now, Logo Design, and Brand Identity Now!

Flicking through there are certain illustrators that jump straight out at me. Here are a select few; 

Andrew Bannecker; 
Not my own personal style but there's just something about his work, these two sketches in particular that just draw me in. It could be as simple as the use of colour, or his use of layering texture upon texture, I find his work rather beautiful.

Cecilia Carlstedt; 
Her work is more what I believe I can relate to. The use of contrasts, textures and watercolour within this particular sketch is to die for. Even with a minimum use of colour, the balance between watercolour and pencil tones is just right. Her personal website is under construction at the minute, however being nosey online, some of her sketches are similiar to the techniques and styles of Nadia Flower; an illustrator which I have referenced my own work to a couple of times. I think this may also be a reason why I'm drawn to Cecilia's work.

"Somewhere between Psychedelia and Pop Art"
Honestly think I'm attracted to the use layers and vibrant colours.

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