Friday 24 June 2011

Leeds Exhibition

So I went to see the Leeds College of Art Degree Show yesterday. Overall, I think it was an enjoyable experience. The venue itself was rather easy to work your way around if you paid attention to signs etc. Was also helpful that you were given a map at the entrance. Personal opinion; I think not being able to find your way around a show easy enough just dampens the experience as a whole, you spend more time being lost within the building rather than the art. 

As I predicted before I arrived; there was a variety of work within each category ranging from averagely good to 'wow' unforgettable. I was disappointed that there wasn't an illustration section at all, however found myself being inspired by fine artists, graphic designers and fashion designers! Each category was set out as easy and appropriate as I think it could be, however I felt, especially within the fashion department, the students didn't have enough room to explore and be as elaborate as they could have been. 

Overall, I enjoyed the experience, it was interesting to see what other students had been up to. However, there were a select few that I have to share with you! 

A fine artist in particular had me admiring her work for a while, I couldn't seem to walk away from her work. Even though other students within this category had branched out using different media and 'thinking outside the box' creating dimensional shapes, her simplistic tonal sketches won me over in an instance! 

Jessie Simmonds.
Fine artist.

Star of the entire show for me had to be graphic designer; Chris Matthews. There was something so precise and exquisite about his work, that throughout the day I just couldn't forget it. His realistic composition was perfection, I don't think anyone could find a line out of place. The fact that he actually took the route of using different media by carving into the bottom of wooden snowboards was a bonus! The majority of the category took the typical route of graphic posters which next to this, in my opinion, they just didn't seem to compare. His exhibition itself also included 3 posters to help illustrate his work, however I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the skill involved with the boards. The carvings varied from shallow to deep in order to change the tone of the wood. After seeing his work I was happy to have taken the time out to simply stand there and admire. Kudos to Chris Matthews!

Chris Matthews.
Graphic Designer.

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